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Søgte på: "Rare", og fandt 1970 resultater

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1« 4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18 »197

Kunstner:Titel og Info:Pris:

Beach Boys, the
Genre: Rock
Smiley Smile, RARE, original edition. lamin.
(Heroes and Villains, Good Vibrations etc)
D, 1967, Capitol SMK 74330
210 Kr.
29,17 €

Beach Boys, the
Genre: Rock
Sunflower, rare, original edition, gatefold
DK, 1970, Stateside SSLA 8251
230 Kr.
31,94 €

Beach Boys, the
Genre: Rock
The Beach Boys Today!, Rare, original edition
Can, 1965, Capitol DT 2269
160 Kr.
22,22 €

Beach Boys, the
Genre: Rock
The Beach Boys Today!, Rare, original edition
D, 1965, Capitol SMK 73907
120 Kr.
16,67 €

Beacon Street Union
- John Lincoln, Wright, Robert Rhodes, Richard Weisberg, Wayne Ulsky, Paul Tartachny
Genre: Rock
The Clown dies in Marvin Gardens, 2nd LP, RARE, original edition
USA, 1968, MGM SE 4568
270 Kr.
37,5 €

Beat Club International
- Sir Henry and his Butlers, The Shanes, the Beat-Six, Namelosers, the Moonlighters, Dutch Beat College

Genre: Various Artists
Beat Club International, rare,
D, 1966, Die Volks Platte SMVP 6064
180 Kr.
25 €

Beatles, the
Genre: Rock
A Collection of Beatles Oldies, Rare, original Danish edition, unboxed logo
DK, 1966, Parlophone PCS 7016
340 Kr.
47,22 €

Beatles, the
Genre: Dansk Rock
A hard Day's Night, RARE, 1st Danish edition
8 Stars silver/shadow label
DK, 1964, Parlophone PMC 1230
860 Kr.
119,44 €

Beatles, the
Genre: Rock
A hard Day's Night, RARE, 2nd Danish edition
Large unboxed silver logo
DK, 1964, Parlophone PMC 1230
300 Kr.
41,67 €

Beatles, the
Genre: Rock
A Hard Day's Night, Rare, original edition
GB, 1964, Parlophone PMC 1230
540 Kr.
75 €

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